Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Hearts can heal project

There's only so much heartache that you can watch others go through before you feel compelled to act.

For the past two years, I have heard some truly heartbreaking stories from people all over the world. From abuse to mental illness, suicide to eating disorders, these people have been put through some of the most horrible experiences that there are to go through. They come from different countries and they have all gone through unique experiences, yet, the one thing that each of them share is the strength that they have gained after going through the pain of earlier situations.

And that is what this project is about.
Reminding ourselves that our pain does not define us, it does not control us, and it certainly does not dictate the person that we will become.

The hearts can heal project aims to educate people about serious issues, raise awareness of said issues and ensure those who are suffering from them that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and that there are always people who would happily help to guide them through the present darkness in order for them to reach said light. Because the truth is, we can handle anything that life throws at us, but we can't handle it alone, and more importantly, we don't have to.

I'll be writing a series of posts about issues such as eating disorders, self-harm and mental disorders for the project, and I will post one daily for seven days. I'll give you guys an update nearer the time to let you know which week this is happening on, and which issue each day is dedicated to. If you've been affected by any of the issues, you feel strongly about them or just want to share a message with those struggling with it, then I'd be happy for you to write something to be included in the project. If I can, I'll try to come up with a way that you can do so anonymously, if you so choose.

This will be the symbol of 
the hearts can heal project 

Each day of the week, draw this heart on your wrist or on your hand (or do something more creative with it, if you feel up to that) to show your support for those dealing with the issues mentioned, and to remind yourself that whatever pain that you might be experiencing WILL subside eventually, and that you will be a stronger person for having experienced it. And if someone happens to ask you what it's for? Just tell them that it's for a symbol of support for those struggling with whichever hearts can heal issue that you feel most strongly about.

This is just a rough outline of what I envision the project to be like, really.
I'm totally up for further suggestions. 
I'd love to hear your ideas!


Unknown said...

This will make a difference, I myself was bullied for a while but got through it

lwritchie said...

Glad to hear that you got through it Greig! Bullies are the worst. It makes absolutely no sense to me why one person would willingly make another person feel terrible about themselves.

Unknown said...

Thanks, I can do some designs if u want, logos, picture messages etc

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